

Welcome to the International College of Iridology™, the world’s premier association for the advancement of the science and practice of iridology worldwide. Bringing together iridologists from around the world, ICI promotes the unification of iridology practitioners and provides a common ground for sharing, learning, discussing, and presenting the latest advancements in the field.


Our Mission

The International College of Iridology is an organization of colleagues dedicated to the education and unification of iridologists worldwide. We maintain high ethical and professional standards of practice within our membership and provide continuing education forums to bring information and recent advancements to the practitioner. ICI is committed to advancing the science of iridology through research and clinical practice and preserving the heritage of iridology through recognition of those pioneers who have come before us. 

Our Vision

The future is bright for the continued global advancement of the science, research, and practice of iridology in natural, preventive healthcare. The International College of Iridology will continue to lead the way. We believe in the development of cooperation between various schools and organizations that teach and support iridology across the globe.



"You are most welcome to join ICI to advance your professional skills and, thus, help others to wellness."


The International College of Iridology is the premier, worldwide, professional association for iridology practitioners, researchers and educators. We are open to accepting people into membership at any level of experience and expertise. Please read our mission statement above. Join us and help us advance the science and practice of iris analysis around the world.

Holistic Iridology® is not used for diagnosis of diseases; rather, it is used as a means of assessment for conditions and levels of health. It is used to evaluate genetically inherited physical, emotional and mental predispositions that can be in conscious awareness or subconscious. Holistic Iridology® is an excellent system for preventive and integrative healthcare.

We are proud to be leading the way, internationally, with providing the Annual International Integrative Healthcare and Holistic Iridology Congress for nearly a quarter of a century. This is the premier event of its kind in the world for natural and integrative healthcare practitioners. It is presented in English and we provide simultaneous translation into Spanish for our Latin American colleagues.

Please see the list of the many Benefits of Membership shown on our ICI Membership page.

Professional iridology education can be received through the International Institute of Iridology®. Live and distance education courses are available, which lead to earning a Diploma of Holistic Iridology. This diploma program is part of the curriculum of several institutions of higher education in nutrition and natural healthcare in the U.S.A., Canada and Mexico. You may contact them at www.holisticiridology.com.

Some form of iris analysis has been practiced for 3,000 years. It is utilized in the healthcare practices in technologically developed nations as well as developing nations worldwide.

In the early part of the 20th century, iridology was practiced and advanced by medical doctors. Please read the following quote:

“The ‘regular’ school of medicine, as a body, has ignored and will ignore this science, because it discloses the fallacy of their favorite theories and practices and because it reveals unmistakably the direful results of chronic drug poisoning and ill-advised operations.” — Henry Lindlahr, M.D. ~ Circa 1919

Attempts to discredit iridology have been made by trying to fit it into the conventional allopathic medical model. In this biased attempt, the fundamental principles of iridology have been ignored. Proper clinical use of iridology is for the assessment of predispositions from genetic factors. As an example, a trained professional iridologist can see a weak kidney or heart in that iris reflex area long before the individual ever has any signs of a health issue. This is a naturopathic approach to health, and thus, illness prevention. The present day, mainstream, conventional, allopathic medical system is based on treating and suppressing symptoms, not prevention.

The good news is that many open-minded, caring and intelligent medical doctors are beginning to realize the benefits of iridology and preventive healthcare.

Two nations that are well known for their science and technology are Germany and Russia. Iridology has been openly researched and practiced by medical doctors for over a century in Germany and since the end of World War II in Russia.

Our Advisory Board

David J. Pesek

Prof. David J. Pesek,

Dr. Pesek is heralded as “The New Pioneer in Iridology”, and as “One of the World’s Preeminent Iridologists” by leading natural health organizations. He has received numerous awards including two Doctor Honoris Causa in Health Sciences (Honorary Doctorates) in recognition of his research and development of Holistic Iridology® and the advancement of natural healthcare worldwide.

Dr. Pesek is acclaimed by his peers as the “Father of Holistic Iridology”. As an internationally recognized authority in the fields of iridology and human behavior, David shares his knowledge and wisdom through lectures, clinical practice and a seminar series that leads to a Diplomate of Holistic Iridology credential.

He also serves as the founding president of the International Institute of Iridology® for clinical education and of the International College of Iridology®, the professional association for iridologists. David has created and produces the premier event in the field entitled, “OUR” Annual International Integrative Healthcare and Holistic Iridology Congress™. This world class event is receiving international acclaim and attracts attendees from around the world.

Dr. Pesek is on the faculty of several institutions that teach natural and integrative medicine. He has educated students, practitioners and Diplomates of Holistic Iridology® in 60 countries reaching all continents. For over four decades, David’s passionate, pioneering and visionary work is helping to bring about the renaissance and advancement of natural healthcare through his dedication to the wellness and spiritual enlightenment of humanity.

Kimberley Edwards

Kimberley H. Edwards,

Kimberley is a certified medical assistant and has worked as such in the fields of plastic surgery, obstetrics and gynecology and chiropractic. In 1982, she earned her B.A. in psychology from California State University, Northridge and worked two years on a Masters in Audiology before moving to South Florida and going to work at Dr. David J. Pesek's Center for Effective Living in 1991.

She soon became Dr. Pesek’s personal assistant and has been working in that capacity for over 30 years. During that time, Kimberley took all three levels of the program in Holistic Iridology through the International Institute of Iridology and has earned her Diplomate of Holistic Iridology® credential. Along with her duties as Dr. Pesek’s assistant with the International Institute of Iridology, she performs administrative duties for the International College of Iridology and is an editor for the International Journal of Iridology and Integrative Healthcare.

Kimberley currently resides in Waynesville, North Carolina with her husband, Michael, and their two cats.

Brian Garced,
Dip.H.Ir., CNHP

Brian Garced first began working with Dr. Pesek in the summer of 2002, as English to Spanish interpreter for the Spanish division of the International Institute of Iridology®. He still maintains this responsibility along with providing IT support for the International College of Iridology and for the Institute.

Brian’s interest in natural health and medicine was ignited during his childhood by his mother and grandmother. At age 16, he took his first seminar on nutrition, and before age 18 had already taken seminars on iridology, nutrition, reflexology, and kinesiology. Now as a Diplomate of Holistic Iridology®, he enjoys showing people how their eyes hold the key to unlocking their pathway to wellness. Brian and his wife, Kimberly live in Miami and are experiencing the joy of raising their happy children, Isabella and Matthew.

Ovidio Pena

Ovidio Peña,
IBQ, Dip.H.Ir., CNHP

Ovidio Peña is a native of Monterrey, México. He received a BS in Biochemical Engineering from the Instituto Politécnico Nacional in México City. He then worked for three years in private industry and two years for the Government of México before coming to the United States in 1976.

Ovidio learned the English language while earning a Diploma from the Bible Institute of Christ Gospel Church International in Jeffersonville, Indiana were he is an associate Pastor and Spanish simultaneous translator. He also worked for Colgate Palmolive as a Quality Control Chemist for over 27 years, until his retirement in 2007.

He is a Certified Natural Health Professional and has earned the distinction of Diplomate in Holistic Iridology from the International Institute of Iridology in 2009. He is a successful Consultant at Awesome Iris & Natural Health in Southern Indiana using the Pesek’s Clinical Iriscope, Light/Frequencies, Dr. Bach’s flower essences and acupressure techniques.

Beverly R. Wells,
C.N., MIfHI, LMT, Dip.H.Ir.

Beverly started her extensive background in the Natural Foods and Health Industry in 1974 and is always striving to remain current in the newest advancements in individuality, holistic health and wellness. In the early years of her natural foods educational path, you would find her either working in, managing, or owning a natural foods store. 

She has also been a representative for several National companies traveling and educating store employees and consumers.

Through the years, Beverly has become a Certified Nutritionist, Master Reflexologist/instructor, Master Fellow of the Institute of Human Individuality, Massage therapist in VA, FL and NC, a certified Three in One Concepts stress reduction specialist and a Diplomate of Holistic Iridology®. Beverly has also developed and taught several self-care workshops, to lay persons and massage therapist alike as she is an approved NCBTMB continuing education provider.

She owns Heart & Sole, a Holistic Education and Wellness Center where she facilitates many of her licensed and accredited disciplines. Beverly has a strong passion to educate others in how to take a more proactive, productive, holistic approach to their individual wellness process and let go of past limitations (both known and unknown) that may be keeping them from living an optimal lifestyle.

Presently, Beverly is living in Western North Carolina enjoying the beauty of the mountains, facilitating her many wellness modalities and still travels to Virginia, Las Vegas and Florida to work with former clients. It is important to realize; “Wellness is a Process, Not an Event”®.

Oba Thomas

Gordon Oba Thomas, DC

Dr. Gordon Oba Thomas earned a Bachelor of Science degree in microbiology in 1972 from Howard University in Washington, DC. Then, in 1974, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the Physicians Assistants program at Touro College in New York City. He earned his Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 1985 from Life University in Marietta, Georgia.

Dr. Thomas has been, and still is, a student of iridology with various distinguished teachers. He studied iridology with Dr. Bernard Jensen from 1993 to 1995 in Escondido, California and Dr. Donald Bodeen, DC from Poughkeepsie, New York. During 1996, Oba studied with Ellen Tart-Jensen, PhD and Harri Wolf, MA. In 1997, he studied Iridology with Dr. Paul Goss a Naturopathic Doctor in Oakland, California. In 1998, Oba commenced studying with Dr. David J. Pesek and has continued under his tutelage to study and utilize Holistic Iridology®. Dr. Thomas practiced medicine as a Physician Assistant for ten years in New York City. Afterwards, he practiced as a chiropractor in a Holistic Health center in Atlanta, Georgia from 1985 to 2010. He then moved to Ghana, West Africa to practice there from 2010 until 2021, after which he returned to practice in Atlanta, Georgia.

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