"OUR" 24th Congress WAS and IS AMAZING!!!

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24th Congress Online Experience!

"OUR" 24th Annual Congress

"OUR" Annual International Integrative Healthcare & Holistic Iridology Congress™

"OUR" 24th Congress

Learn from 17 Dynamic and Healthful Lectures

When Love & Wisdom Unite, Expect a Masterpiece

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The “OUR” 24th Congress Online Experience and videos are now available! Get Instant Access Today for only $295!

You will receive:

  • 17 Leading Edge International Speakers Lecturing on Integrative Healthcare Topics
  • Opening Session so you can experience the tone of “OUR” Congress
  • Recording of the 24th Annual Graduation Ceremony
  • World Premiere of Dr. Pesek’s Holistic Iris Analysis Reporting Software
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"OUR" 24th Annual Congress

Look at All YOU WILL EXPERIENCE, When You Attend "OUR" Congress!

"OUR" 24th Congress International Speakers

Dr. David J. Pesek

Prof. David J. Pesek,
PhD, DHC ~ USA 🇺🇸

World Debut ~ Holistic Iris Analysis and Reporting System

Dr. Pesek developed his first iris analysis software in 1991. The original version was ahead of its time. The ensuing decades saw more advancements. Now, in 2022, he is releasing the newest, most advanced software of its kind, which again is the leading edge in iris analysis software…

There are 8 billion people on Earth, thus there are 16 billion irises. Every iris is uniquely different. With this software, Dr. Pesek’s Chart of Holistic Iridology will fit perfectly over each of these irises. This allows the Holistic Iridologist to perform an accurate analysis. The report contains personalized data and educational descriptions of the various body systems evaluated. Most importantly, it contains guidelines for the client to help themselves with their thoughts, emotions, and physical aspects to achieve greater wellness.

Kimberley Edwards

Kimberley H. Edwards, DipHIr ~ USA 🇺🇸

World Debut ~ Holistic Iris Analysis and Reporting System

Dr. Pesek developed his first iris analysis software in 1991. The original version was ahead of its time. The ensuing decades saw more advancements. Now, in 2022, he is releasing the newest, most advanced software of its kind, which again is the leading edge in iris analysis software…

There are 8 billion people on Earth, thus there are 16 billion irises. Every iris is uniquely different. With this software, Dr. Pesek’s Chart of Holistic Iridology will fit perfectly over each of these irises. This allows the Holistic Iridologist to perform an accurate analysis. The report contains personalized data and educational descriptions of the various body systems evaluated. Most importantly, it contains guidelines for the client to help themselves with their thoughts, emotions, and physical aspects to achieve greater wellness.

Jody Ryabinov, CNHP ~ Israel 🇮🇱

The Many EMF Battles We Face

Decades ago civilization entered a new era of modern technology with the invention of both computers, cell phones and WI-FI. Our bodies are currently under continual infiltration from electromagnetic fields (EMFs) radiating out from power grids, electric lines in houses and neighborhoods, microwave…

… ovens, computers, televisions, cellular phones, electronic digital games, and the list goes on. The first computers were plugged into the wall, doing some physical damage to the user by being connected directly to an electronic field for hours, but now WI-FI, routers, and microwaves are saturating the environment. Researchers have correlated electropollution with increasing cancers, birth defects, depression, learning disabilities, chronic fatigue syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, and more. Dangers are real and it is imperative this be addressed with healthcare needs. We are both electrical and biochemical and many doctors and healthcare practitioners do not take this fact into consideration. In this lecture Jody will discuss the dangers of EMF Pollution as well as the Applications for

Leslie Carmen, AP, DipHIr ~ Switzerland 🇨🇭 / USA 🇺🇸

T3 Paradigm®: Treating Trauma, Thoughts, and Toxins to Achieve Comprehensive Healing

In this enlightening lecture, join the founder of Carmen Care Laser, Leslie Carmen, as she unveils the groundbreaking T3 Paradigm™ — a comprehensive approach to healing which integrates laser therapy, cellular detoxification, and the power of positive thinking. Delve into the importance of…

laser therapy as a non-invasive tool to promote tissue repair and pain relief. Explore the detrimental effects of environmental toxins on cellular health and learn how detoxification can restore balance and vitality. Finally, gain insights into the profound influence of negative thoughts on overall well-being and discover strategies to cultivate a positive mindset. Embark on a transformative journey towards holistic healing and embrace the T3 Paradigm’s potential to revolutionize patient care.

Patrick K. Porter,
PhD ~ USA 🇺🇸

Long-term Brain Fitness: The Synergy of Holistic Iridology and BrainTap

First, brain fitness is critical for our overall well-being and cognitive health. Engaging in activities that stimulate the brain-such as puzzles, memory exercises, learning new skills-can improve memory, focus, and problem-solving abilities. This is similar to… 

how physical exercise keeps our bodies fit and healthy. Brain fitness also extends to more advanced techniques such as BrainTap technology that uses light and sound stimulation to optimize brainwave activity for enhanced cognitive performance. On the other hand, Holistic Iridology is a non-invasive technique that studies the patterns and colors of the iris of the eye to determine information about a person’s systemic health. This approach considers the whole person–the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects–to provide a comprehensive health analysis. When combined, these two fields offer a unique opportunity to enhance brain health in a personalized manner. Holistic Iridology can help identify potential health concerns that may affect cognitive function. Meanwhile, Brain Fitness techniques, like BrainTap, can be customized based on this information to optimize cognitive resilience and performance. This integrated approach ensures that you’re not only working to improve your brain health but doing so in a way that considers your overall well-being, potentially leading to better long-term outcomes.

Jackie Latimer

Jackie Latimer, RMT, CHT, CCII, MFR ~ Canada 🇨🇦

Now See This ~ Looking at the Total Eye

Iridology and face reading are valuable tools to gain deep insight and awareness about ourselves and others. This presentation, “Now See This” will discuss the importance of not only looking at the iris, but also the intricate qualities and details of the eyes and eyelids.

Have you ever wondered what it…

… means when a person has large eyes versus small eyes? What does it indicate if the eyes are deep-set or protruding? Narrow or wide-set eyes? And the eyelids? Did you know eyelids can show if a person is emotionally open or closed, guarded or receptive. Or if you’re burnt out and working too hard.

You will learn and understand what the shape, size, set and angle of the eyes and eyelids on the face communicate. Your face is phenomenal. It’s facing you with a fortune of information. Learn new fascinating facts about your eyes and face to elevate your understanding of yourself and others on a much deeper level.

Dr. Silverio Salinas

Silverio Salinas, PhD, DipHIr ~ Mexico 🇲🇽 / USA 🇺🇸

Etiopathic Rejuvenation Secrets ~ Turn Back Years in Months

Reverse aging, 20 years less in just six months with Etiopathic Medicine. In his social media LA rejuvenate Challenge,  Dr. Silverio J. Salinas shows how an old woman, from 65 to 75, can reverse aging and rejuvenate, physically, 20 years in just six months. In this…

… lecture, Dr. Salinas Ph.D. will teach his 3 years of experience and background on how he helped some people not only rejuvenate 10 to 20 years in just 3 to 6 months, actually, they do reverse on most common chronic illness like diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, gastritis, colitis, stress, insomnia, migraine, anxiety, depression and more. Etiopathic Medicine use this resources, etiopathic diet, Dr. Salinas exclusive herbal formulas, nutritional supplements, cardiovascular exercise, saunas,  osmotic detox, magnetics fields and neurolinguistic reprogramming.

Dr. Sukanya Manobal, DipHIr ~ Thailand 🇹🇭

Integrative Model of Holistic Iridology Principles with the Four Noble Truths for Learning

Lecture Description
Coming Soon! 

Dr. Lampong Klomkul ~ Thailand 🇹🇭

Integrative Model of Holistic Iridology Principles with the Four Noble Truths for Learning

Lecture Description
Coming Soon! 

Jeffry Marrongelle

Jeffrey Marrongelle,
DC, CCN ~ USA 🇺🇸

Is Structured Water the Foundation of Life?

In his presentation, Dr. Marrongelle will explore the function of structured water and its role in cellular physiology. He will reveal the science of the energy cycles in the body as you have never been exposed to them before. He will describe the incredible part which organized/structured water plays in our health and wellbeing…

This is one lecture you don’t want to miss because you will never look at the importance of water in your life, and the lives of your clients, the same way again.

Linda Bamber

Linda Bamber-Olson, ND ~ USA 🇺🇸

Good Vibes: Vibrations, Resonance, and the Mortal Oscillation Rate

When Linda’s mother and sister were both diagnosed with breast cancer at the same time, she started BRAS, Breast Research Awareness & Support, a business to teach other women how to protect their breast health. As she interacted with clients, she knew there had to be an easier way to…

protect them from problems that could be linked to breast health: dental, emotions, hormones, pathogens and many more. Her answer was waves and vibrations! Linda Bamber, developer of the WAVwatch will do a deep dive into sound frequencies and how they can be fine-tuned in your practice. 

Cindy Sellers ~ USA 🇺🇸

33 Years of Miracles! Angel Farms Cleanse and Rejuvenation Program

Cindy Sellers, founder of Angel Farms Cleanse and Rejuvenation center in Hawaii and author of You Don’t Have to Hurt Anymore, will be sharing information to Aid our Angelic Cleansing Experience! Cindy will be sharing about the history of colon cleansing and its benefits. She will be…

educating us on Water, Breathing, Meditation, Diet – what to eat and what not to eat and why. Cindy will share the daily Cleanse Schedule and what to expect, her vibrant health tips, several mucusless cleanses, and a kidney cleanse as well. Miracles happen when we are free from our body toxins and lifetime accumulations, and we course correct our thoughts and feelings to embrace more love.

Roger Bezanis

Roger Bezanis, DFRE ~ USA 🇺🇸

Assassination of Inflammation

What makes and keeps us sick is completely within our control. The 4  stages of poisoning are, STIMULATION, SEDATION, KNOCKOUT, and finally DEATH. Our body rejects poisons with a vengeance or we would all be dead… This lecture will change your mind and your life. We are immune to nothing as poison is always poison.

Douglas Grant, BS, ACSM ~ USA 🇺🇸

Health Conditions Revealed through Iris Signs and their Nutritional Treatments

Is Iridology used with professional athletes, professional billionaire CEOs, and professionals in life wanting to reach optimal health? YES. Learn from the nation’s leading therapeutic whole food formulator who is also the NBA’s first nutritionist, former owner of Iron Man Magazine, and coach to 1,000’s of doctors around the world how his team uses Iridology.


Daniel Layton, CFTA ~ USA 🇺🇸

Liposomal Nutraceuticals: “The Next Step in Optimal Supplementation”

There has been no greater achievement for the delivery of nutrients in nutritional science than the development of liposomal nanotechnology. This simple-to-understand yet difficult-to-accomplish advancement has changed the way nutrition can be used to positively influence the biological functions of the human body. An affordable option with advancement in optimal delivery of specific nutrients can be reached through liposomal…

technology. The delivery of supplements in an oral liquid microencapsulation forms the basis of technology platforms for fortification of selected vitamins and minerals in typical staple foods on different size scales.

Dr. Cindy Cork

Cindy Cork, OD, DipHIr ~ Jamaica 🇯🇲 / USA 🇺🇸

Using Visible Light to Balance Unhealthy Emotions

When we think of visible light and the eye, we immediately think of sight and vision. While the main pathway of light through the eyes is through the optic nerve to the visual cortex, there are several other lesser-known pathways that innervate the Hypothalamus and the entire endocrine system. Visible light through the eye serves as the shortest and most direct way to stimulate the brain and influence all the functions of the body, both physiological and psychological. We can use full-spectrum light through the eyes to modulate and balance emotions to bring about deep healing.

Bob Greska, Nasa Eng. ~ USA 🇺🇸

The Health Benefits of Carbon 60

Bob Greska, former NASA Engineer, speaks on the benefits of Carbon 60 on health and well-being. Developed in 2012, Greska’s Carbon-60 is a cutting-edge dietary supplement that contains Carbon 60, the world’s most efficient free radical scavenger. Learn how Carbon 60 eliminates free radicals, oxidative stress, and toxins that are contributors to inflammation and many degenerative diseases, including ageing.

Greska’s Topical Mist water-based suspension quickly absorbs into the skin to penetrate muscles and joints. And when taken daily, Carbon-60 has a positive impact on energy and mental focus. The antioxidant properties of Carbon 60 can help reduce joint inflammation and promote bone health.

Michele McHenry

Michele McHenry, RN, MBA ~ USA 🇺🇸

Finding Your Power to Grow Young: The HydraStat Nanotechnology™ Difference

Unlock the secret to timeless vitality in “Finding Your Power to Grow Young: The Hydrastat Nanotechnology™ Difference”. Join us for an enlightening journey into the remarkable world of glutathione, your body’s master antioxidant. Discover how this natural powerhouse combats oxidative stress, boosts your immune system, and detoxifies your cells. In this captivating presentation, you’ll gain insights into the science behind glutathione’s role in maintaining youthfulness, the importance of our proprietary HydraStat Nanotechnology™ …

… delivery system, and strategies to enhance its production. Empower yourself with knowledge to revitalize yourwell-being and embrace your potential for a vibrant, energetic life. Don’t miss your opportunity to uncover the key to growing young-naturally, from the inside out.

Dr. Hameed Rafeek

Dr. Hameed Rafeek -
Sri Lanka 🇱🇰

Clinical Experience with Iris Analysis and Treatment of Chronic Conditions

Lecture Description
Coming Soon! 

When Love & Wisdom Unite, Expect a Masterpiece

Congress Attendee Testimonials

"I want to thank you for the tremendous job you did on “OUR” 24th Annual Congress. It was outstanding. The speakers were excellent and very informative. I will definitely be at the 25th."
— Dr. L.W.
"Words cannot express how excited I was to be a part of “OUR” 22nd Annual Congress. This was my very first time joining but definitely not my last. I’m involved with other holistic health organizations but not of this nature. I was very impressed with your panel."
— B.K.
"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do for this world. So many people need help, and because of all your hard work and dedication, and your wonderful Congress, thousands have benefited."
— B.D.

We Gratefully Acknowledge "OUR" Congress Sponsors

"OUR" 24th Congress Venue

The Orlando Marriott Airport Lakeside Hotel is an Award-Winning, Resort Style Hotel, offering complementary airport shuttle service from the Orlando International Airport (MCO).

7499 Augusta National Drive
Orlando, Florida, USA, 32822

Tel: +1 407-851-9000


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